
Real-time Health Monitoring… Stroke Detection Patent

6 Aug 2024
Views 10

[2024 Korea Industry Awards] Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Award in the Technology Innovation Category


SEWON Intelligence Co., Ltd. has received the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Award in the Technology Innovation category at the '2024 Korea Industry Awards'. SEWON  Intelligence is a specialized company that develops various intelligent real-time health monitoring systems under the slogan "Health Diagnosis in Everyday Life."

The company has developed technology to detect health anomalies in advance and holds the world's first patent for preemptive stroke detection. This patent is also registered in the United States and Germany. Moving beyond health monitoring, they have launched the 'JUST ON' series, tailored to specific situations such as studying, sleeping, and driving, striving to create healthy lifestyle patterns and improve quality of life.

Se Jin Park, CEO of SEWON Intelligence, stated, "By applying our monitoring system to medical-vulnerable groups such as the elderly living alone and marginalized communities, we aim to contribute to solving social welfare issues such as loneliness and social isolation."

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